Manchester to London Office Relocation

Retail Case Study

The Background, a well known UK Electrical Retailer, required assistance in securely relocating IT equipment from Manchester to their London, Hatten Garden Offices.

The Challenge

AO required Rapid IT to decommission 30 x high specification desktop computer setups worth £175,000 from their Manchester offices, quickly & securely relocate them to London, and recommission them for use within a 48 hour window, minimising operational disruption.

The Solution

With just a couple of days’ notice Chris and his team planned personnel, hotels, logistics, custom insurance policies for high value goods-in-transit and pulled this all together into a proposal which was quickly approved. All of this considered data security aspects of transporting devices that contain company data, using GPS tracked vehicles and DBS vetted staff. It was imperative the solution aligned with AO's timescales taking into account travel disruption on the days of the project & resulted in out-of-hours work, starting at 6am and finishing beyond 11pm.

“With the help of Rapid IT, we were able to relocate IT equipment imperative to the business quickly and efficiently, resulting in a significant office space cost saving”
Chris Heywood

IT Asset Manager, AO World

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